
2014-03-26 15:50:07


由現在至5月黃錦星再將文件入財委會前,我們會主動約黃錦星見面;另外會拜會各政黨,除了討論對等離子氣化技術外,會繼續游說修改Cap. 123及121條例及對特首期望。
After Saturday’s Special Meeting held by LegCo’s Panel on Environmental Affairs, there are 3 positive outcomes to be highlighted:
1) Government initially had no intentions to visit PG technology in the UK but eventually listened to our recommendation;
2) Mr. KS Wong attempted to convince LegCo Members on various occasions with his Waste Management proposal. Knowing that the general public oppose the proposal citing alternative and better technology, the Special Meeting was held on 22nd March with another on 28th March;
3) Fours month ago, PG technology was not known to the general public. However, after 5 Roadshows, they are more familiar with it and we have gained over 1,800 Letters of Support opposing landfill extensions and incineration technology.
There were over 140 deputations/ individuals who attended the Special Meeting on Saturday 22nd March of which around 70% opposed the 3+1 formula (3 landfills, 1 incinerator) not for the sake of opposing but to express their thoughts of waste separation at source and utilizing new technology. Our 5,000 ˚C warm congratulations to the outreach who demonstrated sheer success.
Before Mr. Wong submits another proposal to the Finance Committee between now and May, we have invited him to meet with us. We will also meet with other Parties to talk not only about PG technology but the continued amendments required of Cap. 123 and 121 as well as our hopes of the Chief Executive.
Finally, the NT Concern Group continually conclude with its consistent motto of “Resolute in New Territories, Caring for Hong Kong, Campaigning for consensus and Striving for the common goals”.