
2013-05-29 12:28:34



1 背景

1.1 香港政府一直以來,都銳意發展本港的鐵路網絡,在改善居民生活之餘,也著重提升本土競爭力。回顧興建西鐵線一事,當年政府在1993年從構思西鐵支線起,1998年動工,至2003年通車,前後只需10年時間,便可打通新界西北的西部走廊,展示出高度效率和爭取美好成果。

1.2 其後特區政府在2000年提出《鐵路發展策略2000》(簡稱〝〈策略〉〞),為香港未來鐵路發展藍圖作出規劃,〈策略〉除了促使兩鐵合併之外,還提出西鐵沿線的土地發展,興建高鐵和其他鐵路支線計劃等等。可是,兩鐵自從在2007年合併以來,香港鐵路發展策略,進度一直緩慢,單看興建沙中線為例,雖然在〈策略〉中早已有所提出,但我們要等至2008年初才進行設計, 2012年初才獲行政會議批准興建,2012年才動工,預算2020年才告完成。

1.3 另外,政府於去年才對〈策略〉作出第一階段優化鐵路發展諮詢,今年2月,運輸及房屋局及轄下的路政署進行第二階段的公眾諮詢,主旨在於將沿線鐵路進行細緻的優化和研究,包括探討興建三項大型鐵路,即屯荃鐵路、港深西部快速軌道及北環線的構想。

2 回應公眾諮詢

2.1 既然在九十年代九廣鐵路在政府督導下,只需花十年時間由構思至完成整個西鐵計劃,那的確是個效率的表現,為何政府還要等12年後才提出優化〈策略〉的諮詢呢?況且這個諮詢文件還在說展望在2031年方能完成全部地區性優化方案,那步伐實在太慢了,效率真不復當年勇。

2.2 議而不決似乎是造成種種延誤問題的主要原因。其實屯荃鐵路早在西鐵興建之前,已有所提出,在〈策略〉中重覆的,只是老調。過了12年後的今天,我們仍然在諮詢階段,那情況恐怕是〝只聞樓梯響,不見有人來!〞。政府不應一拖再拖,應要快快拍板興建屯荃鐵路,避免蹉跎歲月,好像沙中線般,因通貨膨脹而招致建築費用的巨額超支。

2.3 正如前文,公佈〈策略〉至今,又已過13個年頭,青山公路沿線人口亦已增至12萬人,再加上屯荃兩區人口近百萬,單是人口方面,就足以支持興建屯荃鐵路的決定,為該區過百萬的市民和未來交通樞紐之需要,政府應及時作出決定,那是至為重要。

2.4 政府現在擁有龐大財政儲備及能力,惟欠欠缺決策的勇氣。政府不要為了諮詢而作出諮詢,應要認真開展興建鐵路的工作,切實推展每項地區優化工程,以舒緩未來鐵路運輸需求的迫切性。

3 建議


3.1 政府應該馬上進行細緻優化現時鐵路網絡系統,以西鐵為例,將屯門終點站伸延至屯門碼頭,以配合該區居民的需要。

3.2 除了上述南延線之外,政府應該配合最近公佈的土地發展策略,既然要在新界西發展新住宅用地,那麼政府更需要興建屯荃鐵路,以配合未來的需求。

3.3 政府可重新考慮北環線及興建古洞站,連接西鐵線的錦上路站及未來新界東北的新市鎮,配合現時的東西走廊,打通經脈形成一個循環鐵路系統。

3.4 除了優化本土鐵路系統連線之外,政府亦應該從港深的整體發展基礎上,考慮興建港深西部軌道,起自東涌,經過屯門,走向西部通過白泥,連結前海,直達深圳機場。屯門將會發展成為交通樞紐,將新界西與深圳寶安地區連接,有助兩地經濟、民文交流及合作,新界西居民將會明顯受惠,同時亦利於發展大嶼山,到時土地供應問題亦將一併解決。



Response to Our Future Railway – Stage 2 Public Consultation



1.       Background


1.1         The Hong Kong Government continues to adopt a proactive approach in the expansion of the local railway system, with the aim of improving accessibility to transport for local residents and maintain a competitive edge. The idea of a West Rail Line was conceived in 1993, actual construction began in 1998 and the railway was operational by 2003. It took only 10 short years for the Government to open up a transportation link through the north western part of the New Territories – a demonstration of true efficiency.


1.2         In 2000, the Government proposed the “Railway Development Strategy 2000” (“RDS”) as the future railway development blueprint for Hong Kong. Aside from merging MTR and KCR, the RDS also proposed the development of the West Rail Line and the construction of high-speed rails, amongst other projects. However, since the merger in 2007, the progress of the RDS project has become stagnated. For instance, the Shatin to Central Link (SCL), which was proposed in the RDS, did not begin designs until 2008 and was approved by the Legislative Council only in 2012. Currently, the estimated year of completion is set for 2020.


1.3         Furthermore, the Government only implemented stage one of the Local Enhancement Scheme last year, whilst the Highways Department only began the second stage of the Public Engagement project began only in February of this year (2013), with the aim of enhancing the railway system by constructing three major railways, namely the Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Link, the Hong Kong to Shenzhen Western Express, and the Northern Link.



2.       Responses to the Public Consultation


2.1         In the 90s, the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCR), under the supervision of the Hong Kong Government, completed the West Rail Project in only 10 years. Therefore, why did the Government need to wait 12 years before proposing the RDS enhancement consultation? Furthermore, this current proposal expects a comprehensive consultation to be completed only by 2031, which is – especially when compared with previous records – highly inefficient.


2.2         Indecisiveness is likely to the source of this continuous delay. In fact, the Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Link was proposed well before the West Rail project, and it was only reiterated in the current RDS proposal. It is unfortunate that no evident progress has been made in the past 12 years, and the project is now still only at its consultation stage. The Government should refrain from inaction and confirm the developments of the Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Link, lest the projected development costs become exponentially greater over-time due to inflation.


2.3         As mentioned, it has now been 13 years since the RDS was first announced. The number of residents along Castle Peak Road has increased to around 120,000, whilst the combined population of Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan is estimated to be at a million. The sheer number of residents in the area should motivate the Government in confirming the development of the Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Link, as the railway would greatly alleviate the problem of traffic congestion for those residing in the area. The Government should decide upon this matter as soon as possible, and not delay any further.


2.4         The Hong Kong Government does not lack in financial reserves or in other resources to support this development. Yet it is hesitant to commit to this project. The Government should not conduct public consultations purely for the sake of public consultations, but should instead commence construction of the railway and implement the enhancement schemes in earnest, so as to mitigate future transport infrastructure issues.



3.       Recommendations


3.1         The Government should immediately being improvements on the existing railway network system. For instance, the Government should extend the final stop of the Tuen Mun line to the Tuen Mun Ferry Pier, in order to meet the needs of the local residents.


3.2         Apart from the aforementioned, the Government should consider infrastructure development that compliments its residential development proposals in the western New Territories. With ongoing developments in the area, there will undoubtedly be a demand for the Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Link in the future.


3.3         The Government should reconsider the construction of the Northern Link and the Kwu Tung Station. The Kam Sheung Road Station could be designed to connect the north-east of the New Territories with the East West Corridor, and so form a circular railway system.


3.4         In addition, the Government should consider establishing the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor to compliment the Hong Kong and Shenzhen developments. The railway could begin at Tung Chung, passing through Tuen Mun to continue toward to Pak Nai and Qianhai, with Shenzhen Airport as the final stop. Tuen Mun will eventually become a transportation hub, merging the western New Territories with the Shenzhen Baoan District. This development will bring about enormous economic and cultural benefits. Last but not least, the scheme not only benefits the residents of the western New Territories, but also enhances the development of Lantau Island, and could contribute towards the solution of land supply in Hong Kong. 


                                           New Territories Concern Group

20th May, 2013